His arm, as you can see his wrist and hand are above the rest of his arm.
Well it was a great day and all was going well. We had a 10:30 appointment for Cheyenne in Fort Worth. And just as normal we had a great appointment. I was encouraged by the doctor. He is pleased with Cheyenne and we have started a second medication to help loosen her up. After the appointment. We went to McDonald's for a visit and lunch. We were all there, Mom, Brandi, Taylor, Crissy and all the munchkins. We were having a ball and all the sudden Christopher yells, "I broke my arm, my arm is broken." In true form of a mom with 6 kids, I lazily said, "Let me see." All the while thinking kids are so dramatic. It only took one glance to see it was broken, I became sick immediately at the sight of my baby's arm flapping around. I yelled, Mom said "let me see." Again in a true mom of 6 way. I just handed his arm to her. Then she saw. She grabbed Christopher and we were off. I was running around gathering my brood and my mom was yelling let's go. I was thinking I am I have 6 kids to gather. It never dawned on me Brandi, Taylor and Crissy could get them. I was in full panic mode. Once reminded they could handle it, we ran out the door and drove as fast as possible to the hospital (we had our flashers on).
Both Christopher and I were crying off and on (he was actually stronger than I), and my mom trying not to cry and drive. We pulled up and they came out to get Christopher. I love how the people at Cooks are always so strong and calm. I love that I feel comfortable knowing "kids are what they do", they fix kids daily and I can trust them.
Well we went right back, had x-rays and the doctors made sure no skin was broken. He broke the two bones in his right arm. It is right behind the growth plate, which it is really awesome that he didn't break the growth plate. He was so unbelievably strong and brave. We had called daddy from the car and he was on his way immediately. He came in and made us all feel a little better, just being there. We went up stairs to minor surgery area. He was given medicine to make him sleep, another to dry his mouth so he wouldn't choke while sleeping, and a medicine so he wouldn't remember the procedure. No pins, or major surgery was needed. They just moved it back in place. The x-rays before the procedure were very scary for a mom, but the x-rays after looked like a normal arm with a crack or something. He has been in pain some but comfortable with the medicine they sent home. He is mostly upset over the fact that he can't play right now, which is the hardest part for a 9 year old.
Daddy and Chris in recovery.
In recovery he was seeing double and wishing this had not happened. But he was not in pain.
I awoke last night and finally thought of something to thank God for in this, "He didn't hit his head." When I think about how he must have fallen it easily could have been his head that hit the bottom step. Also there are a lot of parents who have kids that didn't leave Cook's that day and other who have kids who will leave with major illnesses. So out of all we can always thank God for something, even it if it does take a few days for our flesh to remember something. Thank you all for your prayers. I will keep you all posted on how things go at our next appointment.

I awoke last night and finally thought of something to thank God for in this, "He didn't hit his head." When I think about how he must have fallen it easily could have been his head that hit the bottom step. Also there are a lot of parents who have kids that didn't leave Cook's that day and other who have kids who will leave with major illnesses. So out of all we can always thank God for something, even it if it does take a few days for our flesh to remember something. Thank you all for your prayers. I will keep you all posted on how things go at our next appointment.
He looks a little dopey because of the medicine, but here we are on our way home. He got this new shirt because mommy and memaw asked them to cut off his other shirt to prevent more pain.
well i am glad he is okay!!!!I love yall!!! can't wait to see ya'll again! Aunt Brandi and Tegan
awww...he is sooo brave..good job mommy
I am so glad Christopher is ok!!! This is so scary for us moms
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