Saturday, December 6, 2008
My "The Lord's" Boy
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Homeschooling Fun

My Girl

So we are all set for a trip to Disney World. Hurray!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When it rains it pours!!
Okay a little dramatic, I guess. I love being a mom, wife, etc, etc, etc.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dryer Maintenance
Here are the steps: (the site recommended you service once a year unless you dry a lot than twice a year)
- My dryer takes to long to dry.
- Unplug and remove the back
- Clean out lent hose and wall vent
- On the left hand side (at the back) of dryer is the lent vent (mine is black)
- Unscrew and pull open (not off) you have to hold it open
- Use free hand and pull out lent and other stuff and Vacuum out
- Close replace screws.
- Vacuum out the parts of the dryer you see
- Wipe with wet cloth (I didn't use soap to be safe)
- Allow to dry (it really should not be that wet)
- Replace back cover, Hose and plug in
- Start dryer for about two minutes
- Open the door and feel that heat like when it was new.
- Not hot call a repair man or change the heating element yourself. (It's easy, I took mine off and put it back today)
Hope this helps someone
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Top 10: Why I should give to Missions
- Because the love of God is shed abroad
- With out Faith it is impossible to please God
- Because there is an eternal punishment for sin
- Because we know there is one mediator between God and Man (the man Jesus Christ)
- Because there is only one name by which man must be saved
- A lost sinner must hear the call..In order to beieve they must hear...before they can hear they must have a preacher
- Because I know I have a command from God
- Because I know God will supply all my needs
- Becasue I know if I don't it's Sin
- Because I know that God will say...Well done thy Good and Faithful Servant
Missions Conference 2008 is going great here at Victory Baptist Church. I thought this would help us all. Tonight was our International Dinner and Devotion before the Faith Promise tommorrow. Bro. David Lott brought this devotion. I hope we are all doing what God wants us to do concerning Missions.
In Prayer for His Will
Friday, October 24, 2008
Pumpkin Pumpkin

Pumpkin Prayer
Cut off the top:
Lord, open my mind and fill me
with your wisdom and guidance.
Scoop out the yuckies:
Lord, take out all my fussies and
frownies and fill me with your love.
Carve out the eyes:
Lord, open my eyes to see
all the beautiful things you have made.
Carve out the nose:
Lord, help me to be a sweet
fragrance for you.
Carve out the mouth:
Lord, help me to always speak
Your words of love and kindness.
Place in a candle:
Lord, let me be a light to others
For you have filled me with Your Light.
Well it is that time again, my favorite time. No air or heat needed here in Texas. You can sit on the porch in the early morning with a hot cappiucino, wrapped in a throw and relax. It all builds up to the Lord's Birthday. Not to mention all the baking and treats everywhere you go, and all the treats we are making at home. We started the holiday season making a mess. We cut out and painted pumpkins. Made roasted pumpkin seeds and look forward to the pumpkin pies (from the little pumpkins) in a few weeks. I hope you are all enjoying the Harvest season.

The boys digging out the yucky stuff

Benjamin yuck!!

Nathaniel and yes he really ate some!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mommy Crazy Devotion
So lately I am feeling a little more energetic, on the days my hubby works nights I stay up till 2 or 3 cleaning up my home, folding clothes and all that. We all know it is better to do things early and sleep at night, Right? Also we have started a ladies Bible study at church, it was great at our first meeting. Their are ladies of all ages. I love to hear our older saints talk about how they also felt overwhelmed as young mothers. Sometimes I think I am the only one, or it is because I have a lot of children but every lady with children raised said they too felt overwhelmed with little ones and housework and church and all. They all also said what made the difference on many days was whether or not they got up with the Lord. Anyway, today is the day. I got up early and my plan of attack was time with the Lord, a little housework, get dressed for the day and wake the kids and start off right. Well I woke up at 5:45, alarm was set at 6, but I figured my body was excited to start our new plan of attack also, so I got up. I no sooner than went to the restroom and # 2 was awake. Then # 3, then # 4, then # 6 started to cry. Okay by know my plan is failing and I am completely frustrated. What went wrong. So, I awaken Allen, "Honey they are all up and I haven't even had my my with the Lord yet. " "Make them go back to bed." "Okay!!" So I sent them all back to bed. (Crying) New plan, have a shower and my time with God; In the shower, no Bible today, just prayer. So I can't hear the crying because I made them go back to bed. So Day One of my plan gone. While I type this three have gone potty, two asked if it is time to get up.
So what is the point, yes time with God is of top importance, but let us remember, we are often taken off track. I took my shower and spent time with God. Right or Wrong?? I think it made me relax, feel better, lose my frustration so my kids can have a good mom today, so Right? We need to remember that our plan will fail, we are human, and time alone with God means "Time alone with God". Even if it has to happen in the shower so you can't hear the crying kids. I mean reality is some days the morning may not be the best time for a devotion that day, and it won't hurt, never has hurt a child to cry for 20 minutes while you pray in the shower, so you can't hear them. And side note: no one was crying when I got out of the shower, they were just waiting to ask me if they could know get up. And I can do my devotion tonight after they go to bed and my hubby goes to work.
Well I know I rambled and not a lot of sense, but maybe I can help a young mom today, though my frustration and regaining of control though God.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Christopher Breaks His Arm
His arm, as you can see his wrist and hand are above the rest of his arm.
Well we went right back, had x-rays and the doctors made sure no skin was broken. He broke the two bones in his right arm. It is right behind the growth plate, which it is really awesome that he didn't break the growth plate. He was so unbelievably strong and brave. We had called daddy from the car and he was on his way immediately. He came in and made us all feel a little better, just being there. We went up stairs to minor surgery area. He was given medicine to make him sleep, another to dry his mouth so he wouldn't choke while sleeping, and a medicine so he wouldn't remember the procedure. No pins, or major surgery was needed. They just moved it back in place. The x-rays before the procedure were very scary for a mom, but the x-rays after looked like a normal arm with a crack or something. He has been in pain some but comfortable with the medicine they sent home. He is mostly upset over the fact that he can't play right now, which is the hardest part for a 9 year old.
I awoke last night and finally thought of something to thank God for in this, "He didn't hit his head." When I think about how he must have fallen it easily could have been his head that hit the bottom step. Also there are a lot of parents who have kids that didn't leave Cook's that day and other who have kids who will leave with major illnesses. So out of all we can always thank God for something, even it if it does take a few days for our flesh to remember something. Thank you all for your prayers. I will keep you all posted on how things go at our next appointment.
He looks a little dopey because of the medicine, but here we are on our way home. He got this new shirt because mommy and memaw asked them to cut off his other shirt to prevent more pain.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Casey is Home from Iraq
Note to All parents... Take your kids to see this stuff, it is a real part of history. Check out your city and find out why it has it's name. Look for free museums about old jails, forts and all. My children love it and I'll bet yours will too, it beats a movie every time. When they look at me and say is this real...I love how their eyes light up when I say yes all this really happened. Some soldier, just like Uncle Casey, really slept here. Geronimo was really in prison here. This is a real plane WWII soldiers flew. Instead of after a movie saying no dinosaurs don't talk and didn't live millions of years ago. But walked with man. Which I plan to show them in Glenrose. Well enough "preaching". What Fun we had!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Something Terrible Happened

What does this sign mean?
Upset with Selffish Moms,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Our Boys Birthday Date

The boys at the Monster House on Putt-Putt
Nathaniel gets a baseball out of the water
We had a wonderful time. I love spending time with them. When I see their little faces I already miss this time. I know all to soon they will be grown and gone. I miss them today, even when they are driving me crazy.