Well it has been almost 5 months since I've posted a blog and almost 4 months since my baby man went to be with the Lord. Kendrick Donavan Little passed away September 18, 2009. He was the most wonderful gift ever given to me. I will forever be greatful for the time I had with him, I will be forever heartbroken for the time I missed seeing him grow and change. I know the Lord has sent this trial for a reason. I know Kendrick is in a better place. The Lord was good to us, he had alot of good days and he didn't suffer long. My only desire is that people know he had a heart for the things of God. His prayer was always "Jesus I pray for satan to get saved." I ask him once why he prayed for satan and his answer was "If satan gets saved there won't be anymore bad things in the world." He was generious, loving and wanted everyone to accept the Lord as their Saviour.
My prayer is that thru my sons cancer and death, many (all people) come to know the Lord. Trust that he died for the sins of all men. Not by works, lest any man should boast, but by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am going to try to post more often. Right now all things happen in good time. Emotional needs of our other children are first, then their education. As a homeschooling family, I am thankful we homeschool during this time. Our children have alot of good days, but some days they need a break, that I couldn't offer them in a PS or CS setting. Blogging and such get left behind some days. God is Good and God is Right, nomatter what may come.