Well I know that this is alittle late but it is still fresh to me. First thing we did out of the hospital was put up the tree donated by the Turners and fill it with presents donated by many, and they keep coming until Christmas eve at 10 pm.
Then on a warm winters night in Texas a large family gathered for family and fun. We started cooking bright and early and had a blast, and the kids played outside. Then we all sat down for a beautiful dinner. After dinner we had Hot Cocoa and heard the real Christmas Story. Then we headed for bed, well the kids did we still had a bit to do. The presents were piled high and we had a big Christmas Day planned.
Then we awoke to a tree full of gifts. The kids all walked into the living room and it was crazy fun from that point on. We took lots of pcs and they are all I have except Thank you so much everyone.
Once all the fun was over and I have a surprise for later so keep reading. We headed to Dad's and had a great time with Papa and then we headed to Aunt Lana's for a huge family celebration. We had food, gifts, pictures and so much fun. Then the kids all took a ride on papa's motorcycle. I am not sure if you all know this but Kendrick loves his Papa so much and his motorcycle is exactly like the one Kendrick is going to buy when he grows up. Oh and he is buying ame a purple one. (HA HA)
Oh I know I promised a surprise. After Aunt Lana's Kendrick was so tired that we decided to let him go to bed. And then we cleaned up alittle and settled in to relax. The oddest thing happened we got up the next day to more presents under the tree, it was full again. Okay you got it our children had so much given to then we had two Christmas' (I know crazy) So we did it again the kids loved it. Wow! Praise god for all our friends and strangers who felt like the Lord wanted them to give to us. So Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. THANK YOU!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thank You Dad and Sisters
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know we may not always see eye to eye, but I feel like I should say I will forever be grateful for your hard work, endurance and love. Stephanie, you are the hardest working girl I can think of... two jobs, running errands for others, constantly working on a benefit for your sister and a great and wonderful Mother, Sister and Daughter. Dad, you and your friends are amazing and of course I have always said you are the hardest working man I have ever known...ever. When the doctors said you couldn't work, you went right back and worked. And now when you feel so helpless (believe me I know) you jump to action and put on the best benefit I have ever seen. Thank you also to all my family... Jane, Aunt Lana, Amanda and there is no way i can list everyone, but you know who you are and I say THANK YOU.
Remember that the Devil, our adversary walketh about seeking whom he may devour. Sometimes the devil works thru people, sometimes he works thru ourselves; but no matter, never let Satan steal your joy. You are awesome and thru God, our father, you did a Great Work. I Love you and always will remember. Good night.
PS We will post the final amount when we are done getting donations (PRAISE GOD)
Remember that the Devil, our adversary walketh about seeking whom he may devour. Sometimes the devil works thru people, sometimes he works thru ourselves; but no matter, never let Satan steal your joy. You are awesome and thru God, our father, you did a Great Work. I Love you and always will remember. Good night.
PS We will post the final amount when we are done getting donations (PRAISE GOD)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Memaw takes the boys to Polar Express...in Grapevine
As you can see Santa is very busy this time of year...Hospital, Trains, Malls, a very busy guy. Plus with characters like this who has time for rest.
Well it looks as though they had a great time. Thank you Memaw for taking them to see Santa and the Polar Express, and for all the other "small things" you have done to add up to uncountable large blessings.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Kendrick Celebrates 5 in the PICU on Dec. 9th
Kendrick was on pain meds and slept a lot. But he was gaining strenght and staying awake more when his birthday rolled around. He turned 5 in the PICU which is not the ideal place for a party but the nurses and staff made it a great party. We had decorations, presents the only thing missing cake and the girls. While we broke many rules about visiting and would like to thank the patients around us, we had a great time. Kendrick had many gifts and even blew bubbles instead of candles which was lots of fun. Here is a slideshow of the day.
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Christmas Time at Cooks
Christmas time at Cooks is wild, activities everyday and I thank God Kendrick was able to go to some of them. Some of the babies (and I use that word liberally like he will always be my baby no matter the age) couldn't go see any of the activities. We took the family picture you see just days before the brain surgery.

The Cowboys came...
In this picture, I should explain why Kendrick is not in it but he is right behind us. Tony Romo and Pacman Jones came all the way back to our Room in the PICU just to take a picture with Kendrick, because we missed them the first time around. After coming all the way back when asked to say Hi to the Cowboys Kendrick turned over and put his bottom in the air, so we had a little laugh and then they offered to take a pic with us. They may not be perfect(what boys are) but they came back for my baby and that ranks high to me. Oh I forgot they came back even when the one leading them around said they didn't have time, Tony Romo said we'll make time. Go Tony and I don't even care about football.
the Mavericks 'Dirk Nowinski' came...the Rangers came, the Zoo came, and their where crafts almost everyday. We got to go outside and see the Christmas show and fireworks with family all around us. 

Santa came and everyone loved that.
Especially Dad and Allen.
We even made the paper, when the Zoo came. Here are a few more pics of the month...
My Sister Michelle came it was great to have her with me during what felt like the darkest time, I miss her so much during all the dark times and daily.
We did so much during this month that catching up would be in possible, so this part is just an over view of December it was spent in the hospital but full of fun and love, surround by those we love and those who love us.
Playing Catch Up
Okay that title is exactly what I will attempt to do in the next few days. We'll see how it goes. I will go back to Christmas, which was great thanks to so many of you and then moved forward to the new year. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I am going to blog about the adventures in the Little World, please continue to follow Kendrick and his battle thru our Carepage.
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