First of all I love that the word "date" still means with Mommy and Daddy. Then let me say I have a 9 and 7 year old. WOW!! Are they really that old? The pedi said "Oh no next year will be your double digit year." Nathaniel asked what that meant the doctor so nicely repplied "It means your Mom is getting old." What old!!, Not ME!!! Okay maybe but no so old I can't have fun. So this year we took the boys to The Plex for their birthdays, while they still want us to go. The Plex is Go-Karts, Golf, Bumper Boats, Laser Tag and alot of Video games. Lots of Fun.
Us at Laser Tag

Christopher on Bumper Boats

Nathaniel the RaceCar Driver

The boys at the Monster House on Putt-Putt
Nathaniel gets a baseball out of the water
We had a wonderful time. I love spending time with them. When I see their little faces I already miss this time. I know all to soon they will be grown and gone. I miss them today, even when they are driving me crazy.